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Writer's pictureSarah Keane

The Next Chapter

Recently, I have become increasingly interested in the "spiritual" way. I have a religion as such but I wouldn't say I practice this actively. Like many, I have struggled through recent years. In part, driven by the Pandemic and in others by the menopause and health issues.

I have been so grateful during this time to have had my coaching work, my leadership tribe and work empowering women in the workplace. These things have given me a sense of purpose through the dark days. I realised how important and necessary it is for me to have clear direction to allow me to be the fullest version of myself.

It's all come about after years of doing this work - it's a process. In particular, I had a major operation at the end of February from which I am still recovering and will do for some time both physically, mentally and emotionally. I thought that perhaps having this operation might free me up in some ways from the shackles my condition had put on me. I'm not sure what I was suspecting but I find myself a little agitated that things aren't happening more quickly. I have to remind myself to be patient though. Sometimes though you have to surrender to what is and I have certainly had to rely on others help, on just letting the healing happen, on doing the inner work. It's given me some space to really assess how life is for me and how it might be improved.

While I've been healing I have been immersing myself in all of my mood lifters. A bit of reality TV, as I will confess I do like a bit of that escapism, and also moon and astrology guidance, Akashic readings, meditation, therapy, grounding in nature, conversations with my good people and journalling. All in service of finding my way out of the hold these past 10 years+ have had on me.

What I am noticing is that there is still some way to go and that I want to make this more of a regular ritual so that I can get the full benefits of it. Now, I'm not about to head off to an Ashram in India (but never say never) but I do want to find what my daily rituals might be and how they can really benefit me. Including, more movement and healthier ways of being. I want to let go of what no longer serves me and I want to immerse myself more in the coaching world and soon I will be looking for a new coach myself who can support me with this next chapter so that I can live BIG!

I believe "freedom" is on it's way so that I can move into this next phase with grace, trust and hope.

Let's do this!!!!

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