Reconnecting with the person you are - how coaching helps you explore what really matters.
Good news is we don’t have to leave this to chance. It can be part of the natural rhythm and the natural flow of being. Coaching plays its part by connecting you back to these values. We explore what is most important to you. When you are at your best and how you can be there more often if not all the time. What you can do when you fail and abandon yourself. You probably already know some of these answers but sometimes we find it difficult to be our most vibrant selves. For example, I value communication and when I am living according to this I find myself at my most articulate. I don’t have to think about what I am saying nor how I am saying it. It just happens naturally and without hesitation. When I get tongue tied it’s because I am allowing myself to listen to the voices in my head that tell me I am not clear and that no one wants to listen to what I have to say. That it’s rubbish. Quietening these voices has been a great learning in being able to live by my values and be the best version of myself.
What if we were to look at this differently? What if we were to realise that when we are in our groove it’s because we are living according to our values and that is why things feel so good. Maybe it's more than just luck.
Next time, or now even, when you’re in this wonderful place, think about what is happening? I imagine you’re at your most vibrant and present. Living in alignment with what really matters to you. From this place you shine. You can show up as the wonderful individual you are. You radiate.
Good news is we don’t have to leave this to chance. Coaching plays its part by connecting you back to these values. We explore what is most important to you. When you are at your best and how you can be there more often if not all the time. What you can do when you fail and abandon yourself. You probably already know some of these answers but sometimes we find it difficult to be our most vibrant selves. For example, I value communication and when I am living according to this I find myself at my most articulate. I don’t have to think about what I am saying nor how I am saying it. It just happens naturally and without hesitation. When I get tongue tied it’s because I am allowing myself to listen to the voices in my head that tell me I am not clear and that no one wants to listen to what I have to say. That it’s rubbish. Quietening these voices has been a great learning in being able to live by my values and be the best version of myself.
Spark change!